Ereader Easy Swedish 🇾đŸ‡Ș

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Original English

The town studio of Signor Jacobelli faced the west. It was situated on the top floor of an old eight-storied building in the West Fifties. Thirty years ago this had been given over entirely to studios, but now it was broken up into a more profitable mĂȘlĂ©e of semi-commercial establishments and light-housekeeping apartments.

The signor, having no doubt the Old-World propensity for permanency, had maintained his studio here for over twenty years, without regard for the changing conditions around him, if indeed he were even conscious of them. His own immediate outlook and environment had remained the same.

Swedish Translation

Signor Jacobelli hade en ateljé högst upp i ett gammalt hus med Ätta vÄningar. För trettio Är sedan var huset fullt av konstnÀrer, men nu fanns dÀr bÄde butiker och lÀgenheter.

Jacobelli hade haft sin ateljé dÀr i över tjugo Är. Han tÀnkte inte pÄ att omrÄdet förÀndrades. För honom var allt som vanligt.

Free of charge. A cubbk project. Part of a multi project swedish self learning idea list.

Version Updates

- Fix book cover background
- Feature to show the original text on each Page
- IMORTANT: Fix translation that skipped parts of the original text page